Image of skyscrapers in a city
Photo by Pedro Lastra / Unsplash

Future Cities: Rethinking tomorrow

An online discussion about the future of cities and urban development, with Maya De Souza, Jonathan Essex, Duncan Baker-Brown and Rebecca Tunstall.

By 2050, it is predicted that three-quarters of the world’s people will live in cities, up from half today. Most of the growth will be in developing countries and capital cities.  Urbanisation, globalisation and climate change are closely interlinked – with globalisation driving urban development in low-lying coastal zones and city expansion increasing both carbon emissions and climate vulnerability.
How do we rethink urban planning to build liveable, equitable, zero-carbon cities, supported by their own bioregions rather than global supply chains?  Is there a role for high-rise, high-density planning in making best use of infrastructure and freeing up land for food growing, water storage, nature and recreation? What do new materials and best practice in governance offer tomorrow’s citizens?

Information about the speakers and links to their reports and presentations are below:

Event Recording:

Image of the Logos of the Green European Foundation and Green House think tank, with text that readsPublished by the Green European Foundation with the support of Green House think tank. GEF project coordinator: Sian Hasker, Green European Foundation. This publication has been realised with financial support of the European parliament. The Polden Puckham charitable trust have contributed to the report design costs. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this project.